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Pain Management

Nitroglycerin or “Nitro†is a commonly encountered medication for EMS, but it may not work the way you think or do what you think it does
Use this guide to determine when to activate air EMS and transport to a level 1 burn center
OPQRST is an important part of patient assessment and the start of a conversation with the patient about their pain complaint
The Riker’s Island captain suffered burns when her BWC suddenly ignited
Patients in the Pilot Point explosion suffered varying degrees of burns
Follow these tips when responding to a patient with a suspected hip fracture
Paulding County first responders faced a worker buried up to his neck in a 20-foot deep trench
“Before you trade in your morphine for ketamine, the adverse events need to be discussedâ€
Assess abdominal pain in 5 seconds or less with Steve Whitehead
The key to differentiating abdominal pain is to utilize as many assessment tools as possible
Gasoline was poured into a fire pit after the fire did not ignite as expected
Vallejo first responders successfully removed the man from the fence spike
A coordinated effort involving several departments saved a construction worker pinned by a foundation collapse
A red-flag approach to identifying true emergencies and treating patients with compassion
“Management of crush syndrome has to start in the rubble, in the hole, under the car, in the subway; treatment starts there.â€
Goose Creek Fire Department has added nitrous oxide/oxygen systems to its scope of pain management
Ensuring equitable treatment for all communities begins with understanding how unintentional racism can produce racist outcomes in EMS
Paramedic and ACLS instructor Jay Van Zeeland summarizes the ACLS protocols
Jon Lee joins the podcast to discuss following the evidence and pharmacology research insights
Should we be using midazolam instead of morphine in congestive heart failure?
Is there a way to improve ketamine?
Comparing the efficacy of analgesics to reduce acute pain in the prehospital setting
Orange County Battalion Chief Michael Morganstern said crewmembers gave the girl pain medication while disassembling the mechanism
Drs. Dorsett, Jarvis and Escajeda join the Pediatric EMS Podcast crossover episode to discuss pain management
Ketamine versus haloperidol and benzodiazepine or physical restraint only
Replacing dogma with current best practice updates on burn assessment and treatment
MCHD discusses prehospital pain management with the transition of IV acetaminophen from patent to generic
Why we should all be incorporating more nitrous oxide into our daily EMS practice
Learn what to look for and how to advocate for elderly patients who may be much sicker than they appear