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Capnography and the interpretation of numeric and waveform data is a mainstay for EMTs and paramedics in prehospital patient assessment and monitoring. The capnography topic focuses on the critical role of capnography, product development, research and EMS training.

Props and tricks can add creativity into your next airway management adventure during simulation or on the job
Understand how respiratory monitoring devices can be used to guide treatment during and after seizures
An initial visual assessment can identify threats to you and your patient before you narrow down a differential diagnosis
Understand how monitoring end-tidal carbon dioxide helps assess and treat a patient in respiratory distress
Download this 91Ƶ capnography equipment buying guide to learn key steps for product selection, purchasing and implementation
For both intubated and non-intubated patients, capnography can provide a wealth of information about vital signs
Waveform capnography provides real-time feedback that BLS providers can use to make treatment decisions and improve care
The use of waveform capnography as a monitoring and diagnostic tool extends far beyond airway management and cardiac arrest
Application of an EtCO2 sampling device and waveform monitoring, especially during bag-valve mask ventilation, is well within the capability of EMTs
Understand the importance of monitoring end-tidal carbon dioxide and the valuable information it provides for patient assessment and treatment
Going back to the basics ensures a smooth EtCO2 reading and creates a calming environment for both the patient and provider
Critical insights on the safe administration of ketamine, versed, lorazepam, ativan and haloperidol
Exploring physical, chemical and alternate restraint considerations in agitated patients
Use these tips to pick the stethoscope best for you and to use it correctly on every patient
The EMS crew was about to administer epinephrine, “only they hadn’t noticed what I had; the patient’s heart rate was 268”
Unvalidated third-party lines may lead to inaccurate results and other problems
From assessing to intervening, this quiz covers vital airway management scenarios to ensure you’re equipped to handle emergencies confidently.
Why quality improvement concepts should be integrated into EMS education
Conquer stressful calls, identify treatment challenges and pitfalls, and use technology to its best potential to save lives this summer and beyond
Five options for exchanging the SGA for an endotracheal tube
From vocal cords to alveoli, and mmHg to Lpm: Test your airway knowledge
Help student paramedics identify CHF, Curare cleft and ROSC in capnography waveforms, and develop a treatment plan
Fluid, dosing and airway considerations to prevent RV ischemia
POCUS, ECG and assessment findings to look for to avoid the RV spiral of death
Put your rales, rhonchi and stridor expertise to the test
“GCS <8; intubate” may be endangered, but not totally deserving of extinction
Video: Watch all of the elements of the chain of survival come together
Waveform capnography provides a non-invasive, accurate assessment of a patient’s ventilatory status
Assessing for the 5 things that can kill people emergently when they suffer major trauma